Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  January  24, 2017
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-5.


Agreement with Sutter-Yuba Mental Health Services for Inpatient Psychiatric services.

DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Adult Services

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Dean True, Branch Director Adult Services (530) 225-5900

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Dean True, Branch Director

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a retroactive renewal agreement with Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health in an annual amount not to exceed $100,000 for psychiatric inpatient services for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019.


This agreement with the Sutter-Yuba Mental Behavioral Health, a joint powers authority, through the County of Sutter will allow Sutter-Yuba Mental Health Services Psychiatric Health Facility (Sutter-Yuba PHF) to continue to provide acute psychiatric inpatient services to Shasta County residents.


This proposed renewal agreement will allow the Sutter-Yuba PHF to continue to provide acute psychiatric inpatient services on a fee-for-service basis for patients evaluated and referred by Shasta County clinical staff either directly employed by Shasta County or appropriately designated to act on Shasta County’s behalf. Under the terms of the agreement, once a determination is made that inpatient services are needed and Sutter-Yuba PHF has space available, clinical staff will coordinate the transfer and admission to the facility.  All services provided under the terms of the agreement must be preauthorized by Shasta County or its designee, and may be for either voluntary or involuntary placements.


The Sutter-Yuba PHF will treat the patient’s acute psychiatric condition and assist in developing a plan for the resident’s return to Shasta County for follow-up treatment and care.  In addition to hospital room and board, the specific services purchased from Sutter-Yuba will include all medications, psychiatrist time, and laboratory work. For Medi-Cal beneficiaries, Shasta County will bill Medi-Cal directly, and remain responsible for medically indigent persons and those not billable to another payer source.  For other third party or private insurance payer sources, including County Medical Services Program (CMSP), Sutter-Yuba PHF will complete the necessary billing and apply any amounts received to reduce Shasta County’s cost. Inpatient hospitalization is short-term and designed to quickly stabilize the most serious symptoms to allow a quick transition to less-intensive levels of care. This agreement is on a fee-for-service basis, meaning Shasta County is only obligated to pay when a Shasta County resident utilizes the inpatient services at the Sutter-Yuba PHF.  Actual costs will be billed based on use of the facility, up to a maximum of $100,000 per the term of the agreement. This agreement is retroactive as it was not received from Sutter-Yuba until October of 2016 and was not able to be approved by Sutter-Yuba Board of Supervisors until December of 2016.


The Board could choose not to approve this agreement, defer consideration to a future date, or provide direction to staff to negotiate changes to the agreement.


County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form.  Risk Management has reviewed and approved the agreement.  The recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office. 


The maximum compensation amount is $100,000 during the entire term of the agreement, which is expected to be sufficient for the anticipated level of service. Costs will be incurred on a fee-for-service basis, only when a Shasta County resident utilizes the inpatient services at the Sutter-Yuba PHF. Costs for these services are included in Mental Health’s fiscal year 2016-17 (BU 410) Adopted Budget. Acute psychiatric services are financed through Medi-Cal and other third party payers, often with a County match largely provided by a combination of 1991 and 2011 realignment.  There is no additional General Fund impact with approval of the recommendation.

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Sutter Yuba Agreement1/9/2017Sutter Yuba Agreement