Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  March  28, 2023
CATEGORY:  Regular - Resource Management-11.


Receive a presentation regarding the regulation of shipping/cargo containers and consider providing direction to staff (Sponsored by Supervisor Jones).

DEPARTMENT: Resource Management

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Paul A. Hellman, Director of Resource Management, (530) 225-5789

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Paul A. Hellman, Director of Resource Management

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No General Fund Impact 


Receive a presentation regarding the regulation of shipping/cargo containers from the Director of Resource Management and consider providing direction to staff.


Pursuant to the Shasta County Zoning Plan (Zoning Plan), shipping/cargo containers (also commonly referred to as metal storage containers, intermodal containers, and seatrains) are permitted on residential parcels temporarily during construction only. In addition, recent fire recovery ordinances have allowed the use of shipping/cargo containers in conjunction with legally permitted temporary dwellings for limited periods of time. Pursuant to the Zoning Plan, shipping/cargo containers are permitted for storage purposes on industrial parcels if screened from view and on parcels larger than 40 acres designated for full-time agricultural uses.


If the Board desires to modify the Zoning Plan regulations regarding shipping/cargo containers for permanent and/or temporary use on residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and/or other types of properties, the Board could direct staff to prepare and present to the Board at a future meeting a resolution of intention regarding specific amendments to the Zoning Plan. If adopted by the Board, a resolution of intention would direct staff to propose amendments to the Zoning Plan to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and subsequently presented to the Board for its consideration.


The Board could choose not to receive the presentation or postpone the presentation to a later date.


County Counsel and the County Administrative Office have been consulted on the content of the presentation.


No fiscal impact would result from receiving the presentation.