Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  March  28, 2023
CATEGORY:  Consent - General Government-5.


Take the following actions: (1) As introduced on March 14, 2023, enact "An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta Consolidating the Department of Housing and Community Action Programs with the Health and Human Services Agency by Amending Chapter 2.28 of the Shasta County Code and Repealing Chapter 2.68 of the Shasta County Code."; (2) adopt a resolution, effective May 7, 2023, which amends Shasta County Personnel Rules Chapter 6, Recruitments and Appointments, to align with the Ordinance; and (3) adopt a salary resolution, effective May 7, 2023, which amends the Shasta County Salary Schedule, Classification Specification, and Position Allocation List to align with the Ordinance.

DEPARTMENT: Clerk of the Board
Housing and Community Action Programs
Health and Human Services Agency-Business and Support Services

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Stefany Blankenship, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board, 530-225-5550

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Mary Williams, Acting Director, Housing and Community Action Agency

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions: (1) As introduced on March 14, 2023, enact "An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta Consolidating the Department of Housing and Community Action Programs with the Health and Human Services Agency by Amending Chapter 2.28 of the Shasta County Code and Repealing Chapter 2.68 of the Shasta County Code."; (2) adopt a resolution, effective May 7, 2023, which amends Shasta County Personnel Rules Chapter 6, Recruitments and Appointments, to align with the Ordinance; and (3) adopt a salary resolution, effective May 7, 2023, which amends the Shasta County Salary Schedule, Classification Specification, and Position Allocation List to align with the Ordinance.


Staff recommends the Board amend Chapter 2.28 and repeal Chapter 2.68 of the Shasta County Code to integrate and consolidate the Department of Housing and Community Action Programs (HCAP) with the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), under the supervision of the Health and Human Services Agency Director. Final approval of the consolidation rests with the Shasta County Housing Authority, a separate legal entity, and which this Board serves as the governing body. The proposed ordinance was introduced at the March 14, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting.

The Department of Housing and Community Action Programs is a small department consisting of less than 25 full-time employees. Placing the HCAP under the supervision of the HHSA Director allows the employees of the HCAP to focus on providing services to residents of Shasta County, as well as the North State Continuum of Care, further drawing down administrative and fiscal support from HHSA.

Following a presentation by the Acting Director of HCAP and the HHSA Director during the January 24, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board directed staff to bring for action the consolidation of HCAP into HHSA in order to streamline, consolidate, and improve services to the community.

If enacted, the Ordinance is effective 30 days from the date of enactment.

With the adoption of the Ordinance, staff recommends the adoption of a resolution amending Chapter 6 of the Shasta County Personnel Rules, as well as a salary resolution amending the Shasta County Salary Schedule, Classification Specifications, and Position Allocation List to delete the Director of Housing and Community Action Programs classification specification and position allocation as HCAP would then fall under the supervision and authority of the HHSA Director. The effective dates of the resolution and salary resolution align with the first pay period following the Ordinance's effective date.


The Board may choose to not approve this recommendation, defer consideration to a future date, or provide alternate direction to staff.


The proposed recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office and the Acting Director of the Housing and Community Action Programs. County Counsel prepared the proposed ordinance and approved as to form. Support Services - Personnel prepared the resolution amending Chapter 6 of the Shasta County Personnel Rules, the associated redline and final versions of the changes to Chapter 6, and the salary resolution.


The proposed recommendation has no fiscal impact.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Housing-HHSA Consolidation Ordinance_Final2/21/2023Housing-HHSA Consolidation Ordinance_Final
Salary Resolution3/14/2023Salary Resolution
Chapter 6 Resolution3/14/2023Chapter 6 Resolution
Chapter 6 Red-line3/14/2023Chapter 6 Red-line
Chapter 6 Final3/14/2023Chapter 6 Final