Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  February  28, 2023
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-15.


Approve an amendment to the agreement with Northern California Youth and Family Programs for transitional housing and navigation services to youth which increases compensation, updates the budget, extends the term, and designates signing authority for amendments.

DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Children's Services

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Miguel Rodriguez, Director of Mental Health Services, (530) 225-5705

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Miguel Rodriguez, Director of Mental Health Services

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions: (1) Approve an amendment to the agreement, effective date of signing, with Northern California Youth and Family Programs for transitional housing and navigation services which: (a) Increases compensation by $61,600, for a new maximum compensation of $158,400; (b) updates the budget to incorporate these additional funds; and (c) extends the term of the agreement to June 30, 2024 for the provision of housing navigators and transitional housing services for youth for the period June 8, 2021 through June 30, 2024. (2) approve and authorize the Agency Director or designee to sign amendments, modifications, budget line-item shifts, and other documents, including retroactive, during the term of this agreement as long as the maximum compensation does not exceed $450,000 and otherwise complies with Administrative Policy 6-101, Shasta County Contracts Manual.


This amendment will allow Northern California Youth and Family Programs (Youth & Family) to continue to provide housing navigation program (HNP) and transitional housing program (THP) services.  HNP will be provided to young adults aged 18-21, with priority given to those youth in the foster care system.  HNP services provide a housing navigator to act as a housing specialist to assist young adults in their pursuits of locating available housing and overcoming barriers to housing.  THP services will be provided to youth ages 18-25, with priority given to those youth formerly in the foster care system or probation.  THP services help young adults secure and maintain housing. Additional funding was awarded to Health and Human Services Agency for the THP and HNP services through an application and award process with the California Department of Housing and Community Development and approved by the Board of Supervisors on November 16, 2021. All previous funding for this agreement was also awarded through an application and award process with the California Department of Housing and Community Development and approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 2020 and October 20, 2020.


Through this amendment, Youth & Family will continue to provide a case manager to act as a housing navigator, providing direct assistance to more youth in locating and overcoming barriers to housing.  Services include helping youth: enroll in available housing programs, locate and obtain housing, understand lease agreements and rules, apply for and maintaining a job, obtain bank accounts, obtain a credit check, budgeting, and connect youth with resources for housing furnishings.  Additionally, through this agreement, Youth & Family will be able to assist youth to maintain housing, by assisting youth in coordination of services and linkage to community resources.  Youth & Family will conduct a needs assessment of each youth served, to identify the needs and resources that best meets the needs of each individual youth. 


Through this agreement, Youth & Family has been able to assist 19 youth in finding permanent housing, 5 youth in one month rental and/or utility assistance to retain housing, 8 youth obtain important documents for housing and 7 youth actively apartment seeking.


The Board could choose not to approve this agreement, defer consideration to another date, or provide alternate direction to staff.


County Counsel has approved the amendment as to form.  Risk Management has approved the amendment. The Recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


The agreement is funded through three award allocations and this amendment is funded through two additional award allocations from the California Department of Housing and Community Development.  These appropriations and expenditures are included in the HHSA / Social Services (BU 501) Adopted 22-23 fiscal year budget.  Sufficient budget authority will be included in future fiscal year budget requests. 

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