Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  November  15, 2016
CATEGORY:  Consent - Law and Justice-9.


Retroactive Renewal Agreement with Lexipol, LLC.


Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Tyler Thompson, Sergeant, (530)-245-6165

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Tom Bosenko, Sheriff-Coroner

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 

Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a retroactive renewal agreement with Lexipol, LLC in the annual amount of $5,750 for the subscription of Law Enforcement Policy Manual and Updates for the period August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2019.

Lexipol provides comprehensive, defensible policies written by legal and public safety professionals.


In June 2007, the County, through its Sheriff’s Office entered into an agreement with Lexipol, LLC., for development and initial subscription to the online Lexipol Law Enforcement Policy Manual. The County has continued this relationship with Lexipol in each succeeding year and has entered into renewal agreements for this purpose.

Lexipol is the only company that offers digital Law Enforcement policy manual management and regular policy updates.  Lexipol has state-specific policies, law enforcement practices, and easy customization.  Customizing and maintaining Lexipol’s policies takes only a fraction of the time compared to inner or other outer policy management.

Lexipol provides more than 150 policies based on federal and state statues, case law, regulations, and best practices and is written by legal and public safety professionals who constantly monitor major court decisions, legislation, and emerging trends affecting the Law Enforcement industry.  Lexipol provides regular updates in response to legislative mandates, case law and the evolution of best practices.


The Board may choose to not approve this renewal agreement.


The County Administrative Office has reviewed this recommendation.  County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form.  Risk Management has reviewed and approved this agreement.  Information Technology has reviewed and approved this agreement.


Appropriations for this agreement are included in the Sheriff’s Fiscal Year 2016-17 Adopted Budget.  There is no additional General Fund impact with the approval of this agreement.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Lexipol Agreement11/7/2016Lexipol Agreement