Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  October  16, 2018
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-10.


HHSA-PH Agreement with Basic Laboratory, Inc.

DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Terri Fields Hosler, MPH, RD-Public Health Branch Director, (530) 245-6861

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Terri Fields Hosler, MPH, RD-Public Health Branch Director

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a retroactive renewal agreement with Basic Laboratory, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $10,000 to provide water quality testing services for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, with two automatic one-year renewals.


This is a standard ongoing agreement with Basic Laboratory for water quality testing services


The Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Public Health Laboratory (PHL) conducts tests on drinking water to identify the presence of bacterial contamination.


To conduct this testing the PHL must be accredited by the California Water Boards Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). To meet ELAP’s accreditation requirements, the PHL must have its water tested monthly.  If the agreement is not in place then the PHL may not be accredited by the ELAP and would not be authorized to test drinking water.

Basic Laboratory is able to perform the required monthly quality checks, which includes testing for pH, chlorine, electrical conductance, total organic carbon, and heterotrophic plate counts. Additionally, there are regulations that limit the amount of time between water collection and testing and Basic Laboratory is the only lab that is geographically close enough to meet that requirement.


The agreement is retroactive due to an oversight during the recent transition in the Public Health Laboratory leadership.


Alternatives include not approving the agreement, amending the terms of the agreement or ceasing bacterial testing for drinking water.


County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form. Risk Management has reviewed and approved the agreement.  The recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


The funds and appropriations associated with the recommendation have been included in the department’s Fiscal Year 2018-19 Adopted Budget.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Basic Laboratory Contract10/3/2018Basic Laboratory Contract