Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  September  11, 2018
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-5.


First Amendment to the Agreement with Vista Pacifica for Mental Health Treatment Services.

DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Adult Services

Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Dean True, Branch Director, HHSA Adult Services, (530) 225-5900

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Dean True, Branch Director, HHSA Adult Services

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a retroactive amendment, effective July 1, 2018, to the agreement with Vista Pacifica Enterprises, Inc. to provide residential treatment services for mentally disabled adults increasing daily rates, and retaining maximum compensation not to exceed $7,500,000 during the entire term of the agreement and the term July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.


This first amendment adds a ‘leave of absence’ rate of $204.26; changes the ‘bed hold rate’ to the ‘room reserve’ rate and increases it from $197.59 to $211.91 (7.2%); and increases the ‘client by day’ rate from $204.94 to $211.91 (3.4%).


The Board approved the original agreement on March 6, 2018, effective July 1, 2017. Vista Pacifica is a comprehensive 24-hour residential care facility that serves adults who suffer from acute or chronic medical conditions and are severely and persistently mentally ill.  Residential placement options for people with these comorbid conditions are limited, and it is very difficult to obtain placement in a State hospital.  Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD) such as Vista Pacifica offer advantages to both the individual and to the County over placement in a state psychiatric facility because they are less restrictive and less costly.


Placement at Vista Pacifica provides a significant cost savings as an alternative to placement in the more restrictive State psychiatric facility. The requested daily rate increases are due to increased costs for continuing to provide the contracted services. Vista Pacifica has provided a quality residential program for Shasta County residents requiring this level of care for many years.  The retroactivity of this agreement is due to having recently received confirmation of rates from Vista Pacifica.


The Board could choose not to approve the amendment or approve the amendment with modified terms.


County Counsel has approved the amendment as to form.  Risk Management has approved the amendment.  This recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


Costs are on a fee-for-service basis and only incurred when a Shasta County resident receives IMD services at Vista Pacifica. The Mental Health FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget includes sufficient appropriation authority for the activities described in this amendment.  There is no additional General Fund impact from the recommended action.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
First Amendment8/31/2018First Amendment