Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  September  11, 2018
CATEGORY:  Consent - Public Works-17.


Nichols-Melburg & Rossetto, AIA & Associates, Inc. Agreement Amendment

DEPARTMENT: Public Works
Health and Human Services Agency-Business and Support Services

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Pat Minturn, Public Works Director, (530) 225-5661

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Pat Minturn, Public Works Director & Tracy Tedder, HHSA Branch Director

Vote Required?

4/5 Vote
General Fund Impact?

General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions regarding the space needs assessment agreement with Nichols-Melburg & Rossetto, AIA & Associates, Inc.: (1) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment, effective date of signing, to increase compensation by $131,500, for a new total not to exceed $264,000, to provide additional space needs assessments, and extend the term to December 31, 2019; (2) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations and revenue by $127,000 in the Jail budget; (3) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations and revenue by $13,000 in the Building Inspection budget; and (4) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations by $140,000 in the Accumulated Capital Outlay budget offset by use of assigned fund balance.


Space assessments are proposed for the County’s downtown campus.


On May 1, 2018, the Board approved an agreement with Nichols-Melburg & Rossetto, AIA & Associates, Inc. (NMR).  A Space Needs Assessment and analysis is being prepared.  Existing and future HHSA facility needs will be quantified with a 10-20 year planning horizon.


Similar studies are proposed for the downtown campus bounded by Court, South, West and Tehama Streets.  Courts will vacate their existing facilities when the new Courthouse is complete.  Jail expansion has been proposed.   Building and parking space is limited at 1855 Placer Street.  NMR will analyze these needs and craft alternatives to provide space.  NMR will develop alternatives with conceptual drawings and cost estimates.


The Board may decline to approve the amendment.   The HHSA assessments would proceed and the downtown assessments would not.  Some land and building resources may be idle while others strain to meet demand.  Courthouse construction is imminent.  Jail space is limited.   Fire-related permitting activities will exacerbate building and parking constraints at 1855 Placer Street.


The project is supported by the Sheriff, Resource Management and HHSA. County Counsel has approved the amendment as to form. Risk Management has reviewed and approved the amendment. The recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


Adequate resources for the existing agreement have been included in the Adopted 2018/19 HHSA budgets.  The proposed amendment will impact Roads, Jail and Building Inspection budgets. Sufficient resources have been included in the Adopted 2018/19 Roads budget.  Accumulated Capital Outlay will be funding the Jail and Building Inspection portion of the amendment. A budget amendment increasing appropriations in the Jail, Building Inspection and Accumulated Capital budgets is proposed.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
HHSA-NMR Agreement Amendment8/30/2018HHSA-NMR Agreement Amendment
Budget Amendment Memo8/23/2018Budget Amendment Memo