Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  June  26, 2018


A resolution authorizing the District to accept additional funding for continuing the State Woodsmoke Reduction Program

DEPARTMENT: Air Quality Management District

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Richard W. Simon, Director of Resource Management, 225-5789

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Richard W. Simon, Director of Resource Management

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No General Fund Impact 

Adopt a resolution which: (1) Authorizes the Shasta County Air Quality Management District (District) to retroactively amend an existing Memorandum of Understanding with the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association to participate in the Woodsmoke Reduction Program (Program) and accept additional funding in the amount of $75,000 for the period from start of Program through June 30, 2020; (2) authorizes the District to accept any such additional funding that may become available in the future for administration of the Program under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, as amended; (3) appoints the Director of Resource Management as signature authority for the District to conduct all negotiations and execute and submit all necessary Program documents; and (4) authorizes expenditures which include salaries, benefits, public outreach, education and administrative expenses, associated with and in furtherance of the Program.


The State has allocated $5,000,000 in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds for the Woodsmoke Reduction Program to be implemented by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) in cooperation with local Districts.  On May 23, 2018 the Shasta County Air Quality Management District entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with CAPCOA to replace uncertified and inefficient woodstoves with cleaner burning devices and was allocated $125,000 to implement the Program through June 2020. Due to the early success of the program, the District has issued enough woodstove replacement vouchers to exhaust the initial allocation and is requesting additional funding in the amount of $75,000. Additional funding will allow the District to continue the program for the benefit of Shasta County residents.


The Woodsmoke Reduction Program (Program) is a statewide program that uses Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from older solid fuel (wood) burning heating stoves. The current Program has been funded through the California Climate Investments program with a statewide appropriation of $5,000,000 (AB 1613). The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has developed Program Guidelines for the implementation of the Program which will be administered by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) in coordination with local air districts. The Shasta County Air Quality Management District was allocated   $125,000 for the initial round of funding from the start of Program through June 30, 2020. Due to the early success of the Program, the District has issued enough woodstove replacement vouchers to exhaust the initial allotment of $125,000. As a result, and in accordance with Section 4 of the MOU between the District and CAPCOA, the District is requesting an additional $75,000 in funding to continue the Program. Final requests for payment must be submitted by December 31, 2019 to allow reimbursement to Grantees by June 30, 2020.


The Program is designed to help households replace an older, uncertified wood stove or insert used as the primary source of heat, with a cleaner burning and more efficient device by partially off-setting the costs of a new certified device. Increased incentives amounts are available for disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households.  In addition to reducing GHG emissions, Program benefits include reduction in black carbon and fine particulate (PM2.5) emissions. With authorization to participate, District staff will develop necessary documents and operate the Program based on the finalized state Program Guidelines. Here are key points to the State Program Guidelines:


1.   Households are eligible to replace an existing non-certified woodstove or insert that is used as a primary source of heat. Open hearth fireplaces are eligible; however, the applicant must provide proof that it is used as a primary source of heat (via receipts from purchasing wood or energy bill).


2.   The replacement device may be an EPA certified woodstove or insert, a natural gas burning stove or insert, or an electric home heating device.


3.   The District will issue vouchers to cover the cost of purchasing, permitting, and installing the new device, up to $3,500, for households that qualify for the Low Income Qualified Voucher. Applicants are eligible for the Low Income Qualified Voucher if the home is located in a state-defined low income community, if they participate in one of several low-income assistance programs (WIC, CARE, etc.), or if they meet the state definition of a low-income household.


4.   Vouchers in the amount of $1,000 will be issued to all other households replacing an eligible wood-burning device.


5.   The District’s process for issuing and tracking Vouchers will be similar to the District's existing Woodstove Change-out Program:


     a.   The applicant completes a voucher application. Voucher applications will be available through the District office and website and at participating retailers.


     b.   Staff will review the application for completeness, and if applicants request a low income qualified voucher, staff will confirm eligibility.


      c.   Vouchers will be issued in the order received, with an expiration date of 4 weeks from issuance.


     d.   Vouchers will be accepted by participating retailers at time of sale, and applied as a discount. Retailers will notify the District of a sale once the customer has signed a contract or entered into a binding purchase agreement. For low income qualified vouchers, retailers will provide the District a cost estimate for District approval prior to installation. 


     e.   Installations must be completed by a licensed contractor.


     f.    Retailers will provide training to the applicant to ensure the new device is properly operated and maintained to maximize energy efficiency and achieve the lowest possible emission rates.


    g.   Retailers will be reimbursed by the District once the installation is complete, the replaced device is properly dismantled and recycled, and required documents are submitted to the District.


    h.   The District will submit the required documentation to CAPCOA to receive reimbursement for eligible administration costs.


     i.    The District will track vouchers issued, devices replaced and purchased, and emissions reductions according to the actual sales activity.


Other project activities include outreach, education, and quarterly progress reporting to CAPCOA/CARB.


The Board may choose to: (1) not accept the additional funding; or (2) ask for more information.


Risk Management and County Counsel have reviewed and approved the resolution and amendment as to form. The County Administrative Office has reviewed this recommendation.


The Shasta County Program will be funded by a grant of an additional $75,000 from the Air Resources Board California Climate Investments program. Shasta County will make a request for administrative costs which will not exceed ten (10) percent of the corresponding grant amount.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Signed Resolution6/18/2018Signed Resolution
MOU - Amendment6/18/2018MOU - Amendment