Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  March  27, 2018
CATEGORY:  Consent - General Government-4.


Underwood & Wetzel Law Offices Hearing Officer Agreements Amendments

DEPARTMENT: Clerk of the Board

Supervisorial District No. :  All

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Julie Hope, Principal Administrative Analyst, 530-225-5550

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Julie Hope, Principal Administrative Analyst, Mary Williams, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign amendments, effective date of signing, to four agreements with Underwood & Wetzel Law Offices P.C. to provide hearing officer legal services, extend the end date through June 30, 2019, add new standard agreement provisions, and retain the hourly rate of $145 per hour for the:  (1) Employee Appeals Board, amendment also adds a maximum compensation not to exceed $10,000; (2) Board of Building Appeals; (3) Assessment Appeals Board; and (4) legal services to the Board of Supervisors for Revenue and Taxation Code Section 3731 proceedings.




The Clerk of the Board (COB) administers agreements for the provision of hearing officer services for various boards and services. The County currently has four agreements with Underwood & Wetzel Law Offices P.C., each expiring at different times. Each agreement has different levels of maximum compensation, ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, but all of them have hourly rates of $145 per hour.


Because competitive procurement has not been conducted for these services in some time, it is recommended the Board extend all four agreements through June 30, 2019 so that a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process may be conducted by the COB.


During amendment negotiations, the COB informed Mr. Underwood that an RFP for these services will be released during Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19.


The Board could choose not to approve some or all of the amendments, defer consideration to a future date, or provide alternate direction to staff.


County Counsel approved the amendments as to form. Risk Management approved the amendments. The County Administrative Office reviewed the recommendation.


Sufficient appropriations are included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 Adjusted Budget and will be included in the FY 2018-19 Requested Budget. There are no additional General Funds requested.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Employee Appeals Amendment3/19/2018Employee Appeals Amendment
Board of Building Appeals Amendment3/19/2018Board of Building Appeals Amendment
Assessment Appeals Board Amendment3/19/2018Assessment Appeals Board Amendment
RTC 3731 Amendment3/19/2018RTC 3731 Amendment