Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  December  12, 2017
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-13.



DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health

Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Brandy Isola, MPH – Public Health Branch Director. (530) 245-6861

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Terri Fields Hosler, MPH, RD – Public Health Branch Director

Vote Required?

4/5 Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions: (1) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a retroactive revenue agreement, #DDI18013, with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) in an amount not to exceed $155,000 to promote safe driving through Drive Sober Shasta program for the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018; (2) approve and authorize the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Public Health and Business and Support Services Branch Directors, authority to sign prospective and retroactive amendments and other documents associated with the agreement that result in a net change of no more than $20,000 to the maximum compensation and that otherwise comply with Administrative Policy 6-101, Shasta County Contracts Manual; (3) approve and authorize the Chairman and the HHSA Public Health and Business and Support Services Branch Directors authority to sign the Alternate Signature/Grant Electronic Management System (GEMS) User Authority form and authorize the HHSA Public Health and Business and Support Services Branch Directors to sign documents on behalf of HHSA, and log into the GEMS for all matters relating to the OTS grant, including but not limited to, completing and submitting Quarterly Performance Reports and reimbursement claims; (4) approve and authorize the HHSA Public Health and Business and Support Services Branch Directors to designate one Community Education Specialist II and one Accounting Technician, when necessary, to sign the GEMS User Authority form only for the purpose of logging into the GEMS for all matters relating the to the OTS grant, including but not limited to, completing and submitting Quarterly Performance Reports and reimbursement claims; (5) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations and revenue in the amount of $155,000 in the HHSA-Public Health budget for the grant program; and (6) adopt a salary resolution, effective December 24, 2017, to add one Full-time Equivalent Community Education Specialist I/II position (sunset date September 30, 2018) to the HHSA-Public Health budget.


Approval of this recommendation will allow Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) – Public Health to receive California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) funding to educate teens and young adults about the consequences of drug impaired driving in an effort to prevent driving while under the influence of harmful substances.


Driving while under the influence of harmful substances is a significant public health and traffic safety concern.  Shasta County had 744 Driving Under the Influence (“DUI”) arrests in 2014.  The rise in prescription drug use and the recent California legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes could contribute to increased drug impaired driving. The adverse effects of both short-term use, long-term use, and heavy use of marijuana include impaired motor coordination and reduced driving ability.  Additionally, marijuana is the drug most frequently reported in connection with impaired driving and collisions, including fatal collisions.


Shasta County HHSA – Public Health has been fortunate to receive funding from OTS in the past to address DUI, Distracted Driving, and seat belt use in Shasta County.  Past grant activities were conducted in collaboration with the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, Injury Prevention Coalition of Shasta County, a group comprised of local enforcement agencies and non-profit organizations such as Shasta County Chemical People, Inc., hospitals, etc.  This new grant funding will give HHSA-Public Health an opportunity to expand our efforts to prevent driving while under the influence of harmful substances in Shasta County.


The major efforts funded through this agreement include: 1) Providing interactive educational booths and resources at Shasta College, local high schools, local health fairs, to educate the public about the unintended consequences of drug impaired driving.  2) Conducting media spokesperson training to build the capacity of local youth and young adult participants to serve as spokespeople for preventing injury and fatality caused by impaired driving. 3) Developing and maintaining two social media websites to promote drug impaired driving prevention education. 4)  Developing and purchasing media focused on preventing drug impaired driving in Shasta County. 5) Producing web-based videos utilizing local youth and young adults who have completed media spokesperson training to educate youth and young adults about the consequences of drug impaired driving. 6) Conducting drug impaired driving prevention campaigns in high schools.  The campaigns will involve activities such as interactive educational booths, distribution of educational items, and disseminating traffic safety messaging through announcements, bulletins, banners, and posters.


In addition to preventing unnecessary death, human suffering, and disability, a reduction in traffic injuries will benefit the community financially through reduced hospitalization, medical care and rehabilitation costs.  This grant will also strengthen collaborative efforts to prevent motor vehicle collision-related injuries in Shasta County.


The Office of Traffic Safety uses one form delegating authority to access their Grant Electronic Management System (GEMS) and delegating the authority to sign all documents on behalf of Shasta County.  It is necessary for us to have front-line staff access the GEMS system but not have authority to sign documents on behalf of Shasta County.


The Board could choose not to approve this agreement, may direct staff to modify the terms of the agreement, or revise the recommended authority for the Director to sign future amendment.


Project activities will be performed in collaboration with Shasta County high schools, junior high schools and local partners such as the Shasta County Chemical People, California Highway Patrol, Anderson Police Department, Shasta Regional and Mercy Medical Centers, Shasta Community Health Center, Caltrans, Department of Motor Vehicles, Shasta County Office of Education, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and other agencies and individuals committed to the prevention of unintentional injury. 


The Support Services Department – Personnel Unit created the Salary Resolution. The Auditor-Controller’s Office has reviewed the budget amendment. County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form.  Risk Management has approved the agreement.  The recommendations have been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


The Public Health Branch requests a budget amendment to their State Office of Traffic Safety budget (41158) for FY 2017-18 to increase appropriations and revenue by $155,000.  The budget amendment requires a 4/5 vote by of the Board.  There is no additional General Fund impact with the approval of the recommendation

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Office of Traffic Safety Revenue Agreement - Drive Sober Shasta11/27/2017Office of Traffic Safety Revenue Agreement - Drive Sober Shasta
Alternate Signature/GEMS User Authority Form12/4/2017Alternate Signature/GEMS User Authority Form
Budget Amendment and Worksheet12/7/2017Budget Amendment and Worksheet
Salary Resolution11/28/2017Salary Resolution