Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  June  27, 2017
CATEGORY:  Consent - Health and Human Services-13.


Renew NVCSS Olberg Wellness Center.

DEPARTMENT: Health and Human Services Agency-Adult Services

Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Dean True, Branch Director, HHSA Adult Services, (530) 225-5900

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Dean True, Branch Director, HHSA Adult Services, (530) 225-5900

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a renewal agreement with Northern Valley Catholic Social Service, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $816,237 to continue to provide a mental health wellness and recovery program for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.


This proposed renewal agreement will allow Northern Valley Catholic Social Service, Inc. (“NVCSS”) to continue to provide a mental health wellness and recovery program through the Olberg Wellness Center (“Wellness Center”) in the Redding area.


In November 2004, California voters approved the Mental Health Services Act (“MHSA”), which provides funding dedicated to the support of community mental health programs. The original agreement for a wellness and recovery program with NVCSS was developed after a Request for Proposal process, and using MHSA Community Services and Support funds, NVCSS began providing a wellness and recovery program in Redding in January 2008, then as Second Home, and beginning in 2014 through the Olberg Wellness Center.

The proposed renewal agreement with NVCSS will continue to provide a variety of  wellness and recovery program activities that foster recovery and resiliency. The Wellness Center is a voluntary, walk-in facility located at 2757 Churn Creek Road in Redding which provides ethnically and culturally diverse opportunities in a healthy, inclusive manner.  It is open to anyone experiencing mental health challenges and/or their family members. The program supports participants to gain, regain, or maintain their ability to live, work, learn and participate fully in the community. Its service delivery systems are wellness and recovery strength-based and are inclusive. Through the Wellness Center, NVCSS provides support services that help participants gain access to housing and employment services, as well as helping participants understand, navigate and connect to mental health services and other community resources. Workshops, group activities, peer support and socialization are also offered.

NVCSS will conduct this work in conjunction with the mental health wellness and recovery program work plan (Attachment A in the agreement), and their success will be tracked in a Monthly Progress Report which includes participant data, activities, staff, participant satisfaction, numbers of trainings, and a narrative on progress, success and any potential problems.

An annual evaluation outlines the goals, expected outcomes, and measurements for the program. According to the most recent annual report, the Wellness Center’s use is increasing, as attendance in Fiscal Year 2015-16 was 11 percent higher than the prior fiscal year. During 2015-16, there were an average of 49 unduplicated participants each month, and more than 2,500 workshops, groups, activities and 12-step recovery meetings were offered. The number of participants is expected to increase due to referrals from the new CARE Center.  Participants are encouraged to help determine the direction of the center through weekly members’ meetings and monthly steering committee meetings, which are open to consumers and family members.

The agreement also authorizes the HHSA Director, or Branch Director, to approve line item budgeted expenses variances up to a maximum of 15 percent between categories so long as the original intent of the agreement and maximum compensation are not changed.


The Board could choose not to approve the agreement.


County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form.  Risk Management has approved the agreement. This recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.


Funding for the agreement is included in HHSA’s MHSA FY 2017-18 Recommended Budget.  HHSA will request appropriation authority for the activities described in this agreement in future fiscal years. No County General Funds are requested. 

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Olberg Agreement6/20/2017Olberg Agreement