Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  June  20, 2017
CATEGORY:  Regular - Law and Justice-3.


Shasta Day Reporting Center Presentation and Amendment


Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer (530) 245-6200

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions: (1) Receive a presentation from Chief Probation Officer Tracie Neal regarding the Shasta Day Reporting Center; and (2) approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment, effective July 1, 2017, to the agreement with B.I. Incorporated, d.b.a. B.I. Correctional Services, Inc. increasing compensation for each Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 by $441,192 (for a new agreement total not to exceed $3,681,192) to increase the maximum number of participants to 150; make technical updates to the agreement; and retain the term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 with two automatic one-year renewals.


The Probation Department, through the Day Reporting Center (DRC), currently provides intensive services to adult offenders, both in and out of custody, that target identified criminogenic needs and aid in the success of the offender within the community. This amendment will allow for the expansion of the program.


Since October 1, 2011, Shasta County has been responsible for supervision and incarceration of offenders who meet the sentencing criteria of non-serious, non-violent, and non-high-risk sex offenders, and who were formerly supervised and incarcerated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. In order to address this sweeping change, the Legislature provided direction and funding to counties through Assembly Bill (AB) 109, AB 117 and AB 118 (2011). Public Safety Realignment required the local Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) to create a County Public Safety Realignment Plan (Plan) to address supervision, incarceration, revocation hearings, and service needs of the realigned population. The Plan included a proposal to establish a Community Corrections Center (CCC), a location for offenders to report in order to be assessed for risk of recidivism and criminogenic needs, to attend treatment/rehabilitation programs, and to be monitored while on supervision. Within the CCC is a Day Reporting Center (DRC) where select offenders report while under supervision to receive intensive services that target identified criminogenic needs and aid in the offender’s success. The DRC includes case management, supervision services, employment and education services, and cognitive-behavioral treatment.


The DRC contract provides Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) programs seven days a week in a one-stop center that directly addresses criminogenic needs of referred offenders. Through the use of flexible and progressive program phases, the DRC provides an appropriate blend of case management, supervision services, and cognitive-behavioral treatment.  Offenders progress through the phases by gradually mastering the pro-social skills they need to maintain a crime-free life in the community. BI DRC staff tracks and documents offender progress and milestones achieved.


Upon program enrollment, offenders complete an intake package that includes personal contact information, program rules and guidelines, any legal agreements and releases, and initial offender history. BI staff also conducts a basic needs assessment and helps offenders find resources to meet basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. During orientation offenders are introduced to the concept of change, and program expectations are set. BI staff uses the risk assessment results provided by Probation. BI conducts further specialized assessments in order to determine each offender’s needs. BI staff follows the case plan established by the probation officer, and create a separate Behavior Change Plan that includes individual offender goals.


The phased program permits offenders to make progress at their own pace through three phases labeled Motivation, Treatment, and Reentry. An Aftercare phase, which is provided at no additional cost to the County, allows offenders to check in once a month for as long as necessary to ensure the offender’s success in reentry to the community. BI DRC staff work closely with probation officers to provide appropriate offender supervision in order to ensure public safety. A regimen of check-ins, alcohol & drug testing, reporting, and sanctions create consistent structure and boundaries for offenders. The current agreement allows for 120 participants to receive these services. The DRC has been at maximum capacity since October 2016 and has a wait list established averaging about 20 offenders. This amendment will increase the capacity of the program to 150 participants. In addition, there are technical changes to the agreement language from County Counsel.


Funding for these changes were considered and approved by the Community Correction Partnership Executive Committee (CCPEC) during a public meeting on February 8, 2017.


The Board could decide not to approve the amendment or could request changes to the terms and conditions of the amendment.


The County Administrative Office has reviewed the recommendation. County Counsel has approved the amendment as to form. There are no modifications to insurance or indemnification; therefore, Risk Management review is not applicable.


The funding for this agreement is through Public Safety Realignment. The Probation Department’s FY 2017-18 Requested Budget includes funds appropriated for this amendment. There is no additional General Fund impact associated with this recommendation.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
First Amendment BI DRC 16-196/12/2017First Amendment BI DRC 16-19