Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  June  20, 2017
CATEGORY:  Consent - Law and Justice-11.


Local Innovation Subaccount of the Public Safety Realignment


Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer, (530) 245-6200

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Take the following actions: (1) Approve use of the Local Innovation Subaccount Growth funds (Funds) and authorize the Funds to be used by Probation for one evidence-based program or best practice crime prevention project per fiscal year for youth 18 and under; and (2) authorize the deposit of all future growth Funds to Probation.


The Local Innovation Subaccount fund is a feature of FY 2016-17 of the Public Safety Realignment of 2011 that exists only at the local level and was created to promote local innovation and county-decision making with respect to specified law enforcement activities realigned in 2011. The law includes a requirement for the local Board of Supervisors to approve the use of the funds for local needs.


The Local Innovation Subaccount is funded by a reallocation of 10% of the annual allocation of four growth accounts created in the 2011 package (Trial Court Security Growth Special Account, Community Corrections Growth Special Account, District Attorney and Public Defender Growth Special Account, and the Juvenile Justice Growth Special Account). The expenditure priorities for the Local Innovation Subaccount are at the discretion of the Board but must be consistent with the subaccounts or growth special accounts that provide the revenue. Although 2011 Realignment has existed for several years, this subaccount was not required to be established until the growth funds for FY 2015-16 were received in FY 2016-17. For the subaccount, Shasta County received $39,642.38 and it was placed in a temporary fund/account by the Auditor. These funds do not have to be spent during the current fiscal year but they do need to be assigned a priority purpose and moved out of the temporary fund/account no later than June 30, 2017.


The Probation Department solicited input from the committees who currently approve budget requests and expenditures related to the Public Safety Realignment Subaccounts. Because the largest portion of the Innovation Subaccount funds (86%) come from the Community Corrections Growth Special Account, the Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCPEC) was selected to make a recommendation to the Board for how these funds could be spent. To ensure that suggestions were received from all parties input was also solicited from the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC). The JJCC approves budget requests and expenditures related to the Juvenile Justice Growth Account. Shasta County does not receive any funding through the Trial Court Security Growth Account. The budget and expenditures for the District Attorney and Public Defender Growth Special Account is at the discretion of the District Attorney and Public Defender, both of whom sit on both the CCPEC and the JJCC.


The Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCPEC) met in a public meeting on February 8, 2017 to review and discuss the Local Innovation Subaccount. The JJCC met in a public meeting on February 23, 2017 to discuss the Local Innovation Subaccount and to formulate recommendations for the CCPEC to consider. The Community Corrections Partnership Advisory Committee met on March 15, 2017 to formulate recommendations for the CCPEC to consider. The CCPEC met again in a special public meeting on March 15, 2017 to review and discuss the Local Innovation Subaccount and consider making a recommendation to the Board based on public input at all three public meetings. Based on the input from the community as well as committee members, the CCPEC unanimously agreed at this meeting on March 15, 2017 that crime prevention for the youth in our community is a priority that would not only have positive impacts now but also in the future for both the youth and the community. The CCPEC voted to recommend to the Board that these funds be used on an ongoing basis for one evidence-based program or best practice crime prevention project per fiscal year for youth 18 and under.


If the Board concurs with the CCPEC’s recommendation, a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be written and released by the Probation Department through the Purchasing Department according to County competitive procurement process. The CCPEC proposes that the RFP responses be reviewed on an annual basis by members of the CCPEC or by individuals selected by the CCPEC. The program that is chosen each year may be a single or multi-year program with compensation that doesn’t exceed the amount received in the Local Innovation Subaccount for that fiscal year.


The Board could decide not to approve the recommendation or could recommend different expenditure priorities and/or a different RFP review process.


The County Administrative Office has reviewed the recommendation. The Auditor-Controller has reviewed the recommendation. 


There is no additional General Fund impact associated with approval of the recommendation.