Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  June  6, 2017
CATEGORY:  Consent - Law and Justice-6.


Agreement with Noble Software Group, LLC. for Web-Based Assessment Software Package


Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer (530) 245-6200

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 


Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a renewal agreement with Noble Software Group, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $213,060 for the entire term of the agreement to provide a web-based licensed juvenile and adult assessment software package, including maintenance, consulting, and staff training for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, with two automatic one-year renewals.


The Shasta County Probation Department currently utilizes Noble’s evidence-based risk assessment software to provide a means to consistently and accurately distinguish which offenders pose a higher risk to community safety, and should be prioritized for intensive supervision and rehabilitation services. This agreement will allow for the Probation Department to continue to use these services.


The Probation Department is often the first place many juveniles and adults involved in the criminal justice system are required to report following conviction or release from custody. Validated evidence-based risk assessments provide a consistent and accurate approach to distinguishing which offenders pose a higher risk to community safety and, therefore, should receive closer supervision if placed in the community. Given the limited resources of the Probation Department, the risk and needs assessment assists in determining which offenders to prioritize for intensive supervision and rehabilitation services.


The Probation Department's current practice of assessing risk and needs is completed through Noble’s web-based software package. Assessment tools continue to be critical in a continuing effort to provide increased levels of accountability and case management while maintaining efficiencies within our systems. The Noble system provides outcome data that is used to evaluate the effectiveness of our activities and programs. The assessment tools provide the pathway for our case management system for adults and minors to steer toward more contemporary evidence-based practices. Validated and reliable measurement components provide before-and-after snapshots to measure the progress that adults and minors make on their re-entry case plans while under the department's supervision. The goals of the Probation Department are first, to reduce recidivism, second, to provide valid, reliable assessment information and third, to better prepare offenders to succeed as productive members of society.


The Board could decide not to approve the agreement or direct changes to the terms of the proposed agreement.


The County Administrative Office has reviewed the recommendation. County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form. Risk Management and Information Technology have reviewed and approved the agreement.


The Probation Department’s FY 2017/18 Requested Budget includes funding for this agreement, and funding will be included in future requested budgets. There is no additional General Fund impact associated with this recommendation.

DescriptionUpload DateDescription
Noble 17-20 Agreement5/16/2017Noble 17-20 Agreement