Item Coversheet


BOARD MEETING DATE:  December  6, 2016
CATEGORY:  Consent - Law and Justice-12.


Agreement with Experian Information Solutions


Supervisorial District No. :  ALL

DEPARTMENT CONTACT:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer (530) 245-6200

STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY:  Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer

Vote Required?

Simple Majority Vote
General Fund Impact?

No Additional General Fund Impact 

Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a no compensation evergreen agreement and membership application with Experian Information Solutions, Inc. to provide consumer credit reports for Probation youth in the Shasta County Foster Care Program effective the date of signing.

Approval of this agreement will allow Shasta County Probation Department (Probation) staff to access the credit status of Shasta County foster youth and young adults remaining in extended foster care under the jurisdictions of the Juvenile Courts as required by law. 

Minor children do not usually have the capacity to apply for credit, therefore, if a credit report does exist for a person under 18 it may be due to error, fraud or identify theft. When it is determined that a credit report does exist for a youth, it indicates a need to correct the information and/or to take action to protect the youth from consequences of identity theft. Unless a credit history search is done, the misuse of the child's identity may not be discovered until the youth exits the foster care system and applies for a cell phone, job, student loan, or apartment.


The federal Children and Family Services Improvement Act (Act) requires that each youth aged 14 years and older in foster care as a Child Welfare Dependent or Juvenile Probation Ward receive a copy of their consumer credit report annually from three Credit Reporting Agencies until discharged from foster care, and that the youth be assisted in interpreting the credit report and resolving any inaccuracies (§475(5)(I) of the Act). California-Welfare and Institutions Code §10618.6 currently requires foster youth 16 years of age and older be assisted with obtaining and resolving inaccuracies. It is anticipated that California law will be amended to come into conformity with the current federal law and Shasta County will at that time provide this service for foster youth 14 years of age or older until they attain 18 years of age. Since California is implementing extended foster care, the County is also required by Federal and State law to assist young adults remaining in foster care under court jurisdiction after turning 18 years old in requesting the three credit reports and to ensure each adult in foster care receives assistance in interpreting and resolving inaccuracies in the credit reports.


On July 28, 2015, the Board approved and authorized the Chairman to sign an agreement with Experian to provide consumer credit reports for Shasta County foster youth, however, the terms of the agreement were through the Shasta County Health and Human Service Agency and did not include Probation. In an effort to avoid future complications in regards to agreement termination, it was determined that Probation should have a separate agreement.


The Board could decide not to approve the agreement or direct changes to the terms of the proposed agreement.

County Counsel has approved the agreement as to form. Risk Management has reviewed and approved the agreement. County Information Technology has reviewed and approved the agreement. This recommendation has been reviewed by the County Administrative Office.

There is no compensation associated with this agreement. There is no additional General Fund impact associated with this recommendation.
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Experian Foster Youth Agency Agreement and Membership Application11/7/2016Experian Foster Youth Agency Agreement and Membership Application